Dr Henrik Lund is Professor in Energy Planning at Aalborg University and Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier International journal ENERGY. For more than 25 years, his area of expertise has been energy system analysis, energy planning and energy economics. He is the author of more than 200 books and articles and on the Thomson Reuters list of the most highly cited researches in the world.Abstract
This lecture presents the learning of a series of studies that analyze the problems and perspectives of converting the present energy system into a 100 percent renewable energy system using a smart energy systems approach. As opposed to, for instance, the smart grid concept, which takes a sole focus on the electricity sector, smart energy systems include the entire energy system in its approach to identifying suitable energy infrastructure designs and operation strategies including transportation and aviation. The typical smart grid sole focus on the electricity sector often leads to the definition of transmission lines, flexible electricity demands and electricity storage as the primary means to deal with the integration of fluctuating renewable sources. However, the nature of wind power and similar sources has the consequence that these measures are neither very effective nor cost-efficient. The most effective and least-cost solutions are to be found when the electricity sector is combined with the heating sector and/or the transportation sector. Moreover, the combination of electricity and gas infrastructures may play an important role in the design of future renewable energy systems. This presentation illustrates why electricity smart grids should be seen as part of overall smart energy systems and with the case of Denmark illustrate how to design such future energy system.Abstract
Energy its efficient use in production is key to ensuring the healthy functioning of the world economies. Climate change, together with the haze in growing megalopolises, and water scarcity in many areas are the key environmental challenges of our time. Polluted air and water, especially in places with high population density and high resource demands, have been posing an increasing threat to the mankind. To solve those issues, a complex thinking is very much needed. Traditionally, the involvement of process, mechanical and chemical engineering was considered as a cornerstone of a successful outcome. The close and strategic collaboration from most fields is a strong requirement. The complex systems thinking requires a close synergy of technologists, managers and economists, policymakers and politicians and related social scientists. In this context, ensuring cleaner energy is the necessary condition for cleaner production, especially for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, which are directly related to the types and loads of the energy sources used.Introduction
They are various emerging methodologies of sustainability assessment. The footprint methodology is one of gaining considerable attention. Greenhouse gases (ghg – rather than just carbon) footprint becomes a widely accepted environmental accounting tool for business managers, policy makers and non-governmental organisations, attempting to identify mitigation measures that reduce the threat of climate change. The industry is increasingly engaged as a part of policy development and product design.ANALYSIS AND MODELLING
As an illustrative case study of a toll following complex systems thinking presents the development of Process Integration. It originated from Heat Integration to target the minimum heat requirements and following the demand being extended to Total Sites, Locally Integrated energy systems and even to self-sufficient regions methodology. To cover the complexity with wider scope targeting GHG and haze creating emissions, integration of renewable energy sources, biofuels, waste and effluents supply chains, investment, property and material recovery targeting.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The presentation will be concluded by suggestions for future research and the discussion and exchange of ideas are most welcome.BIO

Previously the Project Director, Senior Project Officer and Hon Reader at Department of Process Integration at UMIST, The University of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh, UK. Founder and a long-term Head of the Centre for Process Integration and Intensification – CPI2, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary. Awarded by the EC with Marie Curie Chair of Excellence (EXC). Track record of managing and coordinating 93 major EC, NATO and UK Know-How projects. Research funding attracted over 23 M€.
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production and Chemical Engineering Transactions, Subject Editor of ENERGY and Emeritus Executive Editor of Applied Thermal Engineering. The founder and President of 22 y of PRES (Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction) conferences. Chairperson of CAPE Working Party of EFCE, a member of WP on Process Intensification and of the EFCE Sustainability platform. He authored and coauthored over 400 papers, h-index reaching 50. A number of books published by Elsevier, Woodhead, McGraw-Hill; Ashgate Publishing Cambridge; Springer; WILEY-VCH; Taylor & Francis).
Several times Distinguished Visiting Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and University Technology Petronas, Malaysia; Xi’an Jiaotong University; the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou and Tianjin University in China; University of Maribor, Slovenia; the Brno University of Technology and the Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow. Doctor Honoris Causa of Kharkiv National University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” in Ukraine, the University of Maribor in Slovenia, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania. “Honorary Doctor of Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia”. Awarded with “Honorary Membership of Czech Society of Chemical Engineering", "European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Life-Time Achievements Award" and "Pro Universitaire Pannonica" Gold Medal.
A tremendous effort has been devoted to improving the energy efficiency of home appliances around the world over the past 2 decades, where the adoption of energy labelling, and the enforcement of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPSs) have led to significant energy savings. These efforts are continuing to bring innovation in refrigerator cabinet (i.e. advanced insulation, improved gaskets), sealed refrigeration system (e.g. low GWP refrigerants, efficient fans, compressors and heat exchangers, adaptive defrosts etc.), user-friendly features (e.g. double doors, internet connectivity, on-line access, internal cameras, music/TV) and legislative improvements enforcing more stringent MEPSs. Increased global competition and improved energy efficiency policies of various governments are responsible for bringing innovation into user friendly product development where more energy efficient products are now appearing in the market. The talk will present an overview of some of the recent advancements including novel/alternative technologies that are responsible for the development of energy efficient household refrigerators.BIO

Friction, sintering and welding are three quite important and complex processes in industry field. All of them contain various phenomena, such as diffusion, energy transformation, deformation and material transfer. Especially at the interface, the atoms diffusion between different materials can greatly change the physical and mechanical properties of the materials and further influence the whole process. Many work have been done on those three processes, but most of them concerned about the the variation rules of macro properties. Therefore, very few of them realized that the nano-scale interface diffusion was of great importance. Therefore, we need to better understand the governing mechanisms of the interface diffusion with the ultimate goal of being able to predict and therefore control friction, sintering and welding processes in various industry applications. However, those interface diffusion is nanoscale and transient. It is not easy to be observed by the experiments. Molecular dynamics simulation is an efficient and suitable numerical method to qualitatively and identifiably model the nano-scale interface behaviors and show the processes with detailed microscopic structure evolution. Therefore, we use molecular dynamics simulation method to investigate the interface behavior in friction, sintering and welding processes. The presentation will include three parts as follows.
In Part I, the dry friction with single crystal and polycrystalline, and the lubricant friction with third medium are performed by using MD simulations. The details of the microstructure evolution are investigated. The friction characteristics and friction heat dissipation process are also studied. The results show that the mixing layer formed at the interface is the key role during high-speed sliding which has great influence on changing the friction force and friction heat dissipation. The stable gradient structure at the interface has a good performance on enhancing the friction heat dissipation during high-speed sliding. Besides, the metal particles which are used as the lubricant additive can improve the heat conductivity of the lubricant, so as to remove the friction heat generated at the interface more quickly.
In Part II, the MD simulations are used to reconstruct the nanostructure of the typical NiO-YSZ electrode. The sintering process of the electrode is simulated and it is found that sintering at relatively low temperature and high pressure could contribute to the densification of the anode. Then effects of the sintering temperature, sintering pressure and material composition on the nanostructure and thermophysical properties of the sintered anode are systematically discussed. Results in this study could provide a guide of the sintering conditions and composition during the experimental studies to obtain the desired properties of the SOFC anode.
In Part III, with the help of MD method, the diffusion mechanism and influencing factors during the welding process is also simulated. Three Cu-Al models with different interface planes under the changes of elevated temperature are studied, and the diffusion coefficients of each element are also achieved. It can be found that the thickness of the transition layer increases with the temperature, and it is greatly influenced by the diffusion direction. The numerical result is validated by the computation of mean square displacement. The influencing mechanism of interface on diffusion in the resent study will provide significant guidance on the manufacturing of composite materials.
Keywords: molecular dynamics simulation, interface behavior, friction, sintering, welding
In Part I, the dry friction with single crystal and polycrystalline, and the lubricant friction with third medium are performed by using MD simulations. The details of the microstructure evolution are investigated. The friction characteristics and friction heat dissipation process are also studied. The results show that the mixing layer formed at the interface is the key role during high-speed sliding which has great influence on changing the friction force and friction heat dissipation. The stable gradient structure at the interface has a good performance on enhancing the friction heat dissipation during high-speed sliding. Besides, the metal particles which are used as the lubricant additive can improve the heat conductivity of the lubricant, so as to remove the friction heat generated at the interface more quickly.
In Part II, the MD simulations are used to reconstruct the nanostructure of the typical NiO-YSZ electrode. The sintering process of the electrode is simulated and it is found that sintering at relatively low temperature and high pressure could contribute to the densification of the anode. Then effects of the sintering temperature, sintering pressure and material composition on the nanostructure and thermophysical properties of the sintered anode are systematically discussed. Results in this study could provide a guide of the sintering conditions and composition during the experimental studies to obtain the desired properties of the SOFC anode.
In Part III, with the help of MD method, the diffusion mechanism and influencing factors during the welding process is also simulated. Three Cu-Al models with different interface planes under the changes of elevated temperature are studied, and the diffusion coefficients of each element are also achieved. It can be found that the thickness of the transition layer increases with the temperature, and it is greatly influenced by the diffusion direction. The numerical result is validated by the computation of mean square displacement. The influencing mechanism of interface on diffusion in the resent study will provide significant guidance on the manufacturing of composite materials.
Keywords: molecular dynamics simulation, interface behavior, friction, sintering, welding
About the Speaker

Dr. Qiuwang WANG, Professor (王秋旺)
Vice-Dean, School of Energy and Power Engineering
Executive Director, International Joint Research Lab of Thermal Science and Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xianning West Road 28#, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China
Tel and Fax: +86-29-82665539
Vice-Dean, School of Energy and Power Engineering
Executive Director, International Joint Research Lab of Thermal Science and Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xianning West Road 28#, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China
Tel and Fax: +86-29-82665539
Dr. Qiuwang Wang is now a full professor and vice-Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is also the executive director of International Joint Research Lab of Thermal Science and Engineering, MOE of China. He is the Leader of Innovation Team in Key Areas of Ministry of Science and Technology (2016), and a recipient of National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists by NSF of China (2010) and Changjiang Scholarship Chair Professor by Ministry of Education of China (2013). His research team obtained the 2nd Grade National Award for Technological Invention of China (2015) and National Science and Technology Progress Award of China (Innovation Team, 2017).
Dr. Wang is now the China Delegate of Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences (AIHTC), a member of Scientific Council of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), Chair of ASME Heat Transfer Division K-18, an Associate Editor of Heat Transfer Engineering Journal, and Editorial Board Members for several international journals such as Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Thermal Engineering, Energies etc. He is the Initiator of International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT) (since 2011, 2011-Xi’an, 2013-Xi’an, 2015-Taipei, 2017-Las Vegas). In China, he is a vice president of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics in Heat and Mass Transfer.
Dr. Wang’s research interests include heat transfer enhancement and its applications to engineering problems, high-temperature/high-pressure heat transfer and fluid flow, transport phenomena in porous media, numerical simulation, prediction & optimization, etc. He has delivered more than 40 Plenary/Keynote/Invited lectures in international conferences or foreign universities. He has also been authors or co-authors of 4 books and more than 180 international journal papers. He has obtained 20 China Invent Patents and 2 US Patents.
A wide range of dynamical systems encountered in nature and technology are characterized by the presence of intermittent events with strongly transient characteristics, such as in turbulent fluid flows, water waves, chemical reactions, and numerous other engineering systems. Although extreme events typically occur infrequently, they usually have drastic consequences and are important to quantify for design optimization, uncertainty quantification, and reliability assessment. There is a practical need for quickly evaluating the probabilistic response, including extreme event statistics, for such systems that are undergoing transient and extreme responses, but unfortunately, the task is often too computational demanding to make such analysis feasible since intermittent events occur infrequently and have unique characteristics (traditional analysis fail to capture these critical events). We present a decomposition based probabilistic approach that can accurately capture the probability distribution, many standard deviations away from the mean, at a fraction of the cost of Monte Carlo simulations, for intermittent dynamical systems and present an adaptive sampling based method to capture response statistics via a limited set of experiments. We present applications of this method to prototype systems ranging from rogue waves in the ocean to structural systems subjected to extreme forcing events.BIO
Dr. Mustafa Mohamad received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering mechanics with a minor in mathematics in 2012 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, graduating with highest honors as a Bronze tablet scholar. He obtained both his Master’s degree in 2015 and PhD in 2017 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Computation working on extreme events in dynamical systems. He is currently a postdoctoral associate at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
Membrane-based heat and mass transfer is a novel technology for building environment control. In recent years, much progress has been made in the development of this technology: from fundamentals to applications. In this talk, the advancements in this direction are introduced: the novel membrane materials, the new findings in conjugate heat and mass transfer in membrane modules, new systems that combine air dehumidification with renewable energy use, desalination, PM2.5 purification, etc. The heat and mass transfer mechanisms in parallel-plates, plate-fin, and cross-corrugated membrane-based total heat exchangers are discussed. The heat and mass transfer properties in hollow fibers modules are described. The effects of conjugate heat and mass transfer on the surface membrane, flow mal-distribution in the membrane modules and the randomly distributed nature in tube banks are presented. The correlations for heat and mass transfer, as well as the detailed Nusselt and friction data for module design, are summarized. They provide the fundamentals for system design and optimization. Further, the system set-up and the applications of this new technology are introduced. The energy use efficiencies can be greatly improved if they are combined with solar energy use. The single-stage desiccant system can be improved by separated into multi-stage system, where the desiccant is inter-cooled after absorbing moisture. In future, to extend commercial applications of this technology, following researches should be strengthened: new low-cost membrane materials, internally cooled membrane-based modules, multi-stage membrane liquid desiccant air dehumidification systems, and real-time dynamic simulation technology.Key words: Membrane-based heat and mass transfer, membrane material, membrane module, dehumidification system, environment
CV of Prof. Dr. Li-Zhi ZHANG
Affiliation: Editor for Energy and Buildings, Elsevier. Board members for Indoor and Built Environment, Thermal Science. Professor and Vice Director of the Key Lab of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation of Education Ministry, South China University of Technology, China.
Address & contacts: Prof Li-Zhi Zhang, Shaw Engineering Building, Room 315, South China University of Technology, Wushan, Guangzhou, 510640, China. Tel/fax: 86-20-87114268; Email:
Address & contacts: Prof Li-Zhi Zhang, Shaw Engineering Building, Room 315, South China University of Technology, Wushan, Guangzhou, 510640, China. Tel/fax: 86-20-87114268; Email:

Li-Zhi Zhang is a Professor at South China University of Technology (Guangzhou, China), the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China. He has worked with Energy recovery for building ventilation, Thermal Science, Heat and Mass Transfer, and advanced humidity control technologies since 1992. His research interests include: membrane technologies; Development of novel functional materials for built environment; self-cleaning surfaces. His researches combine fundamentals with applications.
Li-Zhi Zhang has published more than 120 SCI papers in international journals. They were cited more than 2000 times on SCI, and his current ISI H-index is 37. He has authored 5 books in advanced humidity control and heat and mass transfer. His book titled “Conjugate Heat and Mass Transfer in Heat Mass Exchanger Ducts” was published by Academic Press, Elsevier, in 2013. He was awarded 10 patents, among which two have been industrialized. He is currently the editors or the members of the editorial boards for 3 SCI international journals: Energy and Buildings (IF 4.07); Indoor and Built Environment (IF 1.7), Thermal Science (IF 0.96). He is the fellow of the Society of Indoor Environment and Health of China; and the fellows of Chinese Heat and Mass Transfer Society and Chinese Multi-phase Flow Society. He won the first grade prize for natural science of Education Ministry of China in 2011. He also won the prestigious National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (2014). He was nominated as the Pearl River Scholar Professor in 2015. He was also nominated as the Nation’s Youth Science and Technology Innovation Leader in 2016. He has served as the committee member for 12 international conferences, like Indoor Air 2016. He was the co-chair of ISHTEC2016, the 5th International Symposium on Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation held on Nov 11-13, in Guangzhou China. He has supervised 12 Ph.D graduates and 20 Master graduates.
The Beerian assumption (exponential extinction) cannot always be applied to a homogenised effective phase of a porous medium. In all cases, it is valid at the two asymptotic limits of optically thick and globally optically thin phases. But, outside these limits, it is not valid for common media such as foams with opaque and transparent phases or within semi transparent insulation fibres, etc. Nevertheless, in the first case, it is rather approximately valid for high porosity values. In these conditions, the precise physical validity conditions of the Beerian assumption will be clearly defined and illustrated by some common examples.A non Beerian effective phase is accurately and exhaustively characterised by an extinction cumulative distribution function G extν and a scattering (or absorption) cumulative probability, instead of extinction and scattering (or absorption) coefficients. Indeed, 1 − Gextν is not an exponential function for a non Beerian effective phase. The scattering phase function, which a priori separately depends on the incident and scattering directions, is also directly determined in this approach, in practice based on a Monte Carlo characterisation method. In the common case of an effective phase associated with the transfer between opaque interfaces, extinction, scattering and absorption coefficients have no more physical meaning. An elementary emission term must then be expressed from the variation of the absorption cumulative probability.
A Generalised Radiative Transfer Equation (GRTE), based on the previously introduced radiative statistical functions, allows radiative flux and radiative power to be accurately determined within a non Beerian effective phase of any porous medium, i.e. with opaque and transparent real phases, semi transparent and transparent real phases or two semi transparent real phases. The GRTE, directly defined in terms of cumulative distribution functions, is solved by a Monte Carlo transfer method as easily as a classical RTE.
Within an optically thick effective phase, this GRTE degenerates into a classical Radiative Transfer Equa- tion (RTE) if two quantitative conditions are fulfilled. This RTE is characterised by generalised extinction and scattering (or absorption) coefficients, directly expressed vs the previous radiative statistical functions. It represents in fact, as for a Beerian medium, a Boltzmann’s equation applied to the photon momentum distri- bution function. Its resolution by a perturbation method, similar to the Chapman- Enskog approach, leads for a statistically isotropic effective phase to introduce a scalar radiative conductivity (radiative Fourier’s law) and for a statistically anisotropic one to introduce a radiative conductivity tensor.
Examples of radiative transfer results based on the GRTE and of couplings of radiation with other heat transfer modes will finally be presented. Some limitations of the Fourier’s approach will be enlightened from these examples.


Full Professor of Ecole Centrale Paris (1981)
Deputy Scientific Director in charge of all Engineering and Energy at the Ministry of Research of France (2002-2006),
Editor of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (from 2003), Author of a textbook on « Heat Transfer » (5th edition in French, 1st in English in 2012) and coauthor of a book « Issues of Energy »(in French).
Today position : Em. Professor of CentraleSupélec, College of Un. Paris -Saclay
Recent and Today Research Fields (at EM2C lab., CentraleSupélec)
- Coupled radiation and turbulent convection, application to turbulent combustion:CK and Monte Carlo models coupled to LES and DNS.
- Statistical approaches of radiation in porous media; Limitations of the Beerian model; Radiation models for Non Beerian effective phases; Radiation transfer and coupling with other heat transfer modes.
The structure of a novel meshless solution procedure for calculation of heat, mass, and momentum transfer problems, coupled with solid mechanics and electromagnetic fields, is presented. The multiphysics solution framework is coupled to multiple scales by incorporating the cellular automata and the phase-field concepts of microstructure evolution. The solution procedure is defined on a set of nodes which can be non-uniformly distributed. The domain and boundary of interest are divided into overlapping influence areas. On each of them, the fields are represented by the collocation with radial basis functions or by least squares approximation on a related sub-set of nodes present in the influence area. In the case of cellular automata modelling, the transition rules are defined for the states of the set of nodes in the influence area. The timestepping is performed in an explicit way. All governing equations are solved in their strong form, i.e no integrations are performed. The polygonisation is not present. The large deformation and growth problems are handled by node redistribution and activation of additional nodes, respectively. The solution procedure can be easily and efficiently adapted in node redistribution and/or refinement sense, which is of utmost importance when coping with fields exhibiting sharp gradients such as phase field variable or enthaply in phase-change problems. Step by step benchmarking of the method is represented, folowed by applications to several large scale industrial problems, particularly in the field of thermomechanical processing of steel and aluminum alloys, and related determination of defects such as porosity, macrosegregation and hot tearing. The method is extremly simple to code and accurate, allowing straightforward parallelization. Besides this, the inclusion of complicated physics can be performed in a straightforward manner, reducing the developement time. The coding in 2D or 3D is almost identical.Keywords --- Multiphysics problems, multiscale problems, meshless methods, thermomechanical processing, steel, aluminium.
Short CV of the presenter

His present research interest is computational modeling of materials and processes, development of meshless numerical methods and physical models for multiphase systems, modeling, simulation, verification and optimization of continuous casting of aluminum alloys and steel. He was responsible for modernization and introduction of computational modeling in several steelworks and aluminum plants in Europe and China. He has published 150 scientific papers, 15 book chapters and edited 8 books with selected papers from international conferences and contemporary research. Contributed to 250 technical reports.
He has managed several international projects within EU frameworks, NATO, and National Academies, USA.
He received the following awards and recognitions: 2009 EMERALD Literati Highly commended and 2014 Best paper award. 2006 Highest Slovenian state recognition for technology. 2016 Highest Slovenian state award for science, 2017 ICCES award. Best paper selection at 9 international conferences. He presented keynotes at conferences of the prestigious type like EUROMAT, EUROSIM (EU), THERMACOMP (UK), ICCES (USA), TMS (USA) and Asian Congress on Computational Mechanics (Singapore).
He is currently a member of the editorial boards of several international journals and two book series.
He has organized eight international conferences on solid-liquid phase change processes, moving and free boundary problems, and meshless methods.
His Ph.D. students received several awards such as two times ECCOMAS best Ph.D. finalist award, Jožef Stefan golden emblem award, best Ph.D. in heat and fluid flow award, etc.
Natural draft dry cooling tower is the preferred option for heat removal from renewable power plants in Australia. Numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow through such cooling towers, however, faces formidable challenges partly because of the multi-scale nature of the problem. This paper lists the latest developments in the field and offers enabling shortcuts to model and simulate such cooling towers. Theoretical, experimental and numerical results will be presented to investigate the effects of key parameters including the tower and heat exchanger dimension on top of ambient conditions.Bio
Dr Hooman is the Director of the Renewable Energy Conversion Centre of Excellence at The University of Queensland, with an annual average external income of over $1 m, working on enabling technologies for small scale renewable power generation. His research focuses on thermofluids engineering using numerical, theoretical and experimental techniques. He is contributing to Journal of Porous Media, Heat Transfer Engineering and Energies as an associate editor. He serves on many editorial boards and has acted as guest editors for some journals with Applied Thermal Engineering being the latest one. He has received awards and fellowships from the Emerald, Australian Research Council, Australian Academy of Science, National Science Foundation China, and Chinese Academy of Sciences. With over 150 journal papers and some book chapters, he has also presented as keynote/plenary in numerous conferences and meetings. While a full time academic staff at The University of Queensland, Dr Hooman has held visiting professor positions in Europe and Asia.
In the context of current discussions on stable energy provision, geothermal energy stored in the accessible parts of the earth's crust is gaining increasing interest. Due to the very high temperatures in the earth's core, there is a long-term stable heat flow in the uppermost part of the earth's crust, characterized by a mean temperature gradient of about 0.03 K/m. One of the promising ways to use this kind of energy is the establishment of geothermal heat pipes which will be subject of this lecture.The heat pipes are embedded in vertical boreholes with a typical depth in the order hundred meters. There are, however, concepts that go down to 7000 m. The heat pipe itself represents a closed system which contains a well-defined amount of a pure liquid flowing down the inner wall of the tube as a thin film, gradually evaporating where heat is absorbed from the ambient rocks. The vapor is condensed at the upper end of the tube where it delivers thermal energy to a heat pump. Due to their favorable conditions for temperature profile and heat transfer such probes are much more powerful than those with circulating water. The lecture will deal with the peculiarities of the heat and fluid flow processes inside a geothermal heat pipe where hydrodynamics and possible rupture of the liquid film play an important role, as well as the liquid-vapor countercurrent flow situation and the establishment of a liquid pool at its bottom. Selected results of own experiments will be presented and analyzed.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Gross
is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany. He received the academic grades of a Dr.-Ing. (1983) and Dr.-Ing. habil. (1990) both from Stuttgart University. He owned the chair of Engineering Thermodynamics from 1992 until his retirement in 2015. In 2016 he was a Visiting Professor at TU Cracow/Poland (Politechnika Krakowska). He served his university in various positions – Head of the Department, Dean of the Faculty, Founding Director of the Interdisciplinary Ecological Centre of the University, Member of the Board of Trusties. Main research interests include thermophysical properties, mainly thermal conductivity of materials up to 1600 ° C; fundamental investigations of phase change heat transfer; geothermal energy; optimization of thermal processes and saving of energy. Dr. Gross has authored and co-authored more than 200 journal and conference publications, besides editing some books. He served the scientific community as an elected member of the review board of DFG (German Research Foundation). He is member of the Scientific Council of the International Centre of Heat and Mass Transfer and Delegate to the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences. He also serves as one of the editors-in-chief of the International Journal of Thermal Science. His efforts have been honored by the Weisbach medal for excellence in teaching (2008), by the election as a full member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in 1999 and as a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) in 2006, and finally became an Honorary Senator of the Technical University of Freiberg (2015).
The biofluid (blood, air, and urine) circulations are related to diseases such as arterial disorders, OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea), and hydronephrosis. Atherosclerosis and aneurysm are progressive diseases characterized by inflammation and lipid accumulation in the vascular wall and abnormal dilations of arteries and veins. OSA is a syndrome characterized by the repetitive episodic collapse of the upper airway. Hydronephrosis is caused by cancer and tumor when the ureteral stenosis or occlusion by intrinsic or extrinsic lesions, - disturbance of normal urinary drainage. Computational fluid Dynamics includes fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis and flow visualization technique are excellent tools to understand, analyze, and estimate the flow characteristics and investigate the pathogenesis of the generation and progression of the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, OSA, and hydronephrosis. Computational fluid dynamics, the fluid-structure interaction, and in vitro experiment are helpful for understanding the biofluid circulation problems and also can be applied to predict clinical diagnostics and conduct treatments. The outlines of this speech are to show various biofluid circulations, review of recent biofluid studies what we have done and introduce the biofluid circulation problems what people should study. The fluid-structure interaction is used to solve complicated rupture problems in the vessels. Further, we investigated the effects of setback surgery and the flow phenomena of inspiration and expiration to evaluate the effects of anatomical airway change after maxillomandibular advancement in the upper airway. The numerical analyses were performed, and it compared the changes in the negative airway pressure in the section of the minimum area before and after. In addition, the effect of ureter wall compliance and inlet/outlet pressure on the peristalsis motion was analyzed. Also, the flow rate and pattern around the side holes of a double J stent (DJS) were evaluated in curved models of a stented ureter based on the human anatomy and straight models for comparison. To validate the numerical results, a flow visualized rapid prototype ureter model was made using clinical data. It was evaluated the performance of DJS with this model. As a result of the experiment, it was in good agreement with the computer simulation result. In conclusion, a comprehensive study of biofluid circulation was conducted to use the possibility of clinical approach.Keywords: Biofluid circulation, Arterial disorder, Obstructive sleep apnea, Hydronephrosis, Computational fluid dynamics, FSI analysis, Flow visualization

Name in Full | : Suh, Sang-Ho |
Affiliation | : Professor, Flow Information Lab., Soongsil University |
School | : Dr. -Ing. of University of Stuttgart, 1989 |
1990.09~Present | : Professor, Dept. Mech. Engrg., Soongsil University, |
2006.01~2007.12 | : President of Korean Society for Fluid Machinery (KSFM) |
2009.01~2009.12 | : Division Chair of Fluid Engineering of Korean Society for Mechanical Engineer (KSME) |
2010.01~2013.12 | : Board of Director and President of Biomedical Engineering Society for Circulatory Disorders (BESCO) |
2012.01~2013.12 | : Committee Chair of National Congress on Fluid Engineering (NCFE) |
2016.05~ | : Local Chair of International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHM2T), 2017, Seoul) |
Research Field
Biomedical Engineering
- Biofluid Circulations(Blood, Urine and Air flows in arteries, ureter, upper airway)
- Developments of Biomedical Devices.
Industrial applications researches
- Performance evaluation of pumps and hydraulic turbines
- Development of automatic waste collecting system
- Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline (PCP)
2014 | KSME best paper award |
2008 and 2014 | BESCO best scientific research award |
2015 | KSFM best scientific research award |
The multiscale heat and mass transfer process in porous media is a widespread phenomenon that exists pervasively in multiscale gas adsorption for shale gas matrix and adsorbent bed. In this keynote lecture, a modified lattice Boltzmann model is developed on the pore-scale to accurately predict the effective diffusivity of heterogeneous shale matrix, where the multicomponent and irregular morphological features are fully considered. The effects of shale porosity, average gain diameter, orangic matrix volume fraction and diffusivity, and irregular structures on the matrix diffusion ability are investigated. A modified empirical formula is proposed to effectively capture the heterogeneous shale matrix diffusion ability. The gas adsorption and separation on porous surface of the absorbent at different scales are solved by a multiscale method that couples LBM with grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC). In interfacial boundary, saturation adsorption capacities are obtained by GCMC method to replace empirical values. Langmuir–Freundlich model and linear fitting formula are used to calculate the saturation adsorption capacities in Langmuir adsorption kinetics model and the adsorption heat in heat transfer in LBM model at mesoscopic level. Then, the mass transfer process of CO2/CH4 mixture gases in Cu-BTC membranes is investigated by the above multi-scale method. The proposed coupled method can be helpful in the design of efficient membranes.Keywords: porous media, multi-scale, shale gas, diffusion, gas adsorption, GCMC, LBM

Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, MOE
School of Energy & Power Engineering
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Professor Qu is a full professor in the School of Energy & Power Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He obtained his PhD degrees in engineering thermo physics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2005. He joined School of Energy & Power Engineering in 2005 and became full professor in 2012. Form Feb.2006 to Jun.2006, he worked as visiting scholar at Advanced Heat Transfer, LLC USA. And from Sep.2013 to Mar. 2014, he worked as visiting scholar at Pennsylvania State University. His main research interests include thermal management of energy system, phase change heat transfer, transport phenomena in porous media, mass transfer for CO2 absorption. He has published 122 ISI indexed papers in peer-reviewed journals and has been serving as the editorial board member for several journals. Prof. Qu has been awarded Second Class National Award for the State Scientific and Technological Progress (Rank 2) and Second Class National Award for Technological Invention (Rank 3). He is a recipient of Young scholars of the Yangtze River, National Young Top-notch Talent Support Program, China National Funds for Excellent Young Scientists, Young Scholar Fund from Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation of China and the Ministry of education program for New Century Excellent Talents.